Monday, May 23, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi uolls anyyo, salam dari korea.... ari ni genap hari ke 8 aku di korea, fuhh jadul mmg pack x igt..dari kol 10.00 pagi until 6.00ptg...mcm2 acara yg dilalui...a past few day ni our outfit dah x formal sgt & segala urusan xla formal lagik...more to lawatan & study tour....

mula2 dpt kursus ni igt mcm more to x beb, serius gilerr korean people are more hardworking ,always think big, faster than ever....pendek kata serba serbi dr segala aspek mmg tip top....

korea sebuah negara yg pernah dijajah oleh jepun, sama seperti malaysia..tetapi mereka terlebih maju daripada negara kita..dimanakah silap nyer itu? melalui program ni aku dpt lihat bahawa Malaysia telah tertinggal jauh 10 thn compare to korea...x kira dr segi minda, perilaku, pendidikan, jati diri ....negara kita amat ketinggalan jauh...bila difikir2kan dimanakah silapnyer??

opsss makin melalut plakk aku, mcm nk wat report jep hehehe, anywhere byk jugak yup perkara yg berlaku di malaysia espcially kat opis baru zaa byk2 bersabar yup, akak wish awak gud luck..ntah senpat jumpe tak ekk??? anywhere setiap yg berlaku ade hikmahnyer...

ape2 pon hope can get to see all of u when i came back frm korea...but firstly yg aku nk wat aderla mkn makanan malaysia especially nasik lomak...tekak aku dh x lalu dh nk mkn kimci & bibimbap...adehhh

nota pipi : balik malaysia naik MAS dpt bisnes kelasss lagikkk uolls heheheh i loke

Sunday, May 15, 2011

last preparation

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi uolls buat pengetahuan smua ari ni last ade kat m'si, then pasni aku akan fly ke Korea bg mengikuti program pertukaran belia ke sana selama 10 hari. Segala persiapan dah buat, flight di jangka pukul 11.30 mlm...whooaaa aku tak ngantuk lagi even dh pukul 3 pagi ni...esok dh nk travel jauh...adehh nape ni?okla guys next probably in korea i think...hope & wish me arrived safely & came one piece :))

nota pipi : aku merinduiii muuuu

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If Tomorrow Never Comes

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Sometimes late at night

i lie awake and watch her sleeping

she's lost in peaceful dreams

so i urn out the lights and lay there in the dark

and the thought crosses my mind

if i never wake up in the morning

would she ever doubt the way i feel

about her in my heart

if tomorrow never comes

will she know how much i loved her

that i try in every way

to show her every day

that she's my only one

if my time on earth were through

and she must face the world without me

is the love i gave her in the past

gonna ge enough to last

if tomorrow never comes

cause i've lost loved ones in my life

who never know how much i loved them

now i live with the regret

that my true feelings for them never were revealed

so i made a promise to myself

to say ecah day how much she means to me

and avoid that circumstance

where there's no second chance

to tell her how i feel

So tell that someone that you love

just what you're thinking of

if tomorrow never comes

nota pipi : veri touching songg ~ i lokeeeee

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

one step forward

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi uolls, ari ni aku tlh membuat satu langkah ke hadapan demi masa depan ku.... comfort zone, now there no more that term...i don wanna use that anymore...need to break dh zone...huhuhu lanjutan dr entri smalam..ari ni aku dh bertukar..but bknla ke JPA seperti yg digembar-gemburkan ~ haissh bila igt balik cam sakit ati jep....

so we back again, aku dh berpindah unit jep...after this dh x wat P/H dah..aku bergerak selangkah & pasni aku akan tertumpu kpd KOD2 plakkk...huhuhuhu bertambahla power spec aku huhuhuhu

ape2 pon aku suke...kasi tkr environment and kelik baru :)) ..yg lame i want to put them aside ...... but to those yg i rapat & i suke, uolls amat bermakna hehehehe~ amikk ko aku kuar ayat mmg tahap dh x suke ni ....

nota pipi : nk prepare mind & soul for KOREA ...xmo pk yg remeh-temeh

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

attention to those who have MULUT TEMPAYAN ~ grrrrrrr

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

aku gerammmmmmmmmmmmmm sgtttttttttt kat org seperti di atas ni.....kalau x taw citerr jgn nk pandai2 buat cerita...haisshhh

pelik betul aku... bila plakk aku buat surat nk tukar ke JPA..adoiii b*d*s la....aku wat surat ke JPA coz nk mintak kursus pertukaran belia ke KOREA ngoiii bkn nk pindah...pandai2 jep kata nama dlm senarai JPA nak pindah...gerammm...abis satu opis dok bertanyer...adoii sengal betul...

aku paling benci org2 cam gini..x taw ape2 tp bagi taw kat org yg dia mcm tau smua....

kpd yg terasa or wat ever i done care wat ever u fell...buat2 ler bartaubat..muhasabah diri..sesungguhnyer aku amat x suke ape yg ko buat...understood

nota pipi : gerammm.....gerammm....gerammmmm.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

dreams come true :))

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi uolls sblm ni aku ade post entri mengenai permohonan aku KOREA utk pertukaran belia ke sana... syukur alhamdullilah hasil dr temuduga yg ku lalui akhirnya rezeki itu milik aku...permohonan aku telah berjaya dan aku telah terpilih dan menjadi salah seorang drp mereka2 yg terplilih....mengikut perancangan program ni akan bermula 16 Mei sehingga 25 Mei 2011...hope aku dpt melalui hari2 yg indah sepajang di dlm gembira aku sedih gak coz nk tinggalkan en.lee selama 10 hari... adehhh windu wooo lame tuuu ~ ngeh2

nota pipi : en.lee aku merinduimuuuu