Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 day 4 nite in Bangkok? should i considerate that's???

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

aku di dalam dilema...adoii fenin2 nk gi ke tak? ermm 5 hari tu...kos..kos hehehehe tp mcm menarik jep :)) ( hati mmg dh gatal nk pegi tp ???? ) ermm camner ni ekk... tiket flight murah jep MAS lagik... x sampai seribu utk 2 org hehehehe...kazen asben dok lobi2 kita org... bln 3 asben dpt bonus...tp??? byk benda nk buat...x bole nk jejalan jep... aku nak further studi lagik..nk guna duit, nk wat roadtax kete nk guna duit gak, ish2 fenin2...tp hati dh melonjak2 nk pegi Bangkok....
So should i just go or say hi hi bye bye to Bangkok??? ermmm we will know shortly by end of this February.....huhuhu need to evaluate & 100 percent consideration from both of us... chowwww :))

nota pipi: mcm nk pegi kazen asben ckp sopink sana lagik best dr bandungggg....

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