Thursday, November 18, 2010

harry potter and deathly hallows

huhuhuhu one of my febret movie ..even buku nyer i tgh baca....tebal sgt la plakkk....tu yg lambat skit nk abis hehehehe...but i try my best to finish it.... dh abis baca baru nk pi tgk movie nyer....i plan nk tgk this guys wanna join me??? plizz raise up ur hand?? i decide nk tgk kat alamanda kot tu pon lau i got my blessing frm Mr Lee .... smalam i dh mengutarakan hajat "KIV" ermmm sedey nyer...still tiada kata putus.... but i will never give up for sure la..that's was my febret movie...i would do anything and definately no matter what it cost...OMG...mmg aku telebih sudah...hahahaha ape2 pon last movie and uolls must watching that movie also.... orait away dulu..... see uolls again ~ TaTa ..TiTi...TuTu :))

Tak balik raya???

salam smua... ari ni aku still keje cam biasa even smalam kita smua tlh bercuti sempena hari raya haji...cuti masih ade ttp memikirkan cuti perlu disimpan utk keperluan lain :))....ermm for da 1st time dlm sejarah hidup aku...raya tak balik melaka huhuhuhu ...terasa sedih dihati & pilu :(( ....teringat rendang, lemang, ketupat,sambal kacang omak den hehehehe .... raya kali ni aku sambut kat bdr tun razak bersama dgn keluarga mertua..sambutan yg agak meriah....sedara mara..sepupu sepapat seikat bekumpul together2 meraikan nyer.... we all berkumpul reramai sampai tempah dewan taw utk sambutan hari raya haji ....kelas gitu ....ape2 pon aku happi even x balik melaka... tp xpe this weken aku akan balik melaka tok membalas dendam...aku suruh omak den masak rendang hehehe... asben i x balik coz ade kurus weken ni...hahahah so i bujang la 2 hari ni.... dan paling mengembirakan i dh bole bw my Mr Teddy back...he already recover from he illness hehehehe..... Mr Teddy wait 4 me....i will come for ...okla smpai sini saje...jumpe lag yerp dilain coretan hehehehe.... :))